Lodging and most meals are provided by volunteer host families. Families are carefully screened and selected to match participants' interests and special needs (e.g., dietary issues, allergies) by the Victoria Language and Culture (VLC), a local organization in Carpi. Many host families have previously hosted an American student and they help new host families, along with the VLC. Nonetheless, living as a member of a family in another culture requires all program participants to be open-minded, adaptable, flexible, accommodating, and friendly.
VLC has over 20 years of experience of arranging home stays for American high school and university students with Italian families. The co-owners speak fluent English and are on-call 24-7 during the program in Italy. They have also had their own children study abroad or have studied abroad themselves, and they have directed short-term study abroad programs for Italians students in the United States and the United Kingdom.
VLC website: http://www.victorialanguageandculture.it/en/

Our Italian colleagues, Anna and Sarah, enjoying gelato!